Thursday, May 7, 2009

next, college

So my trepidation at packing the little one off to daycare was not lessened today when I stopped at daycare to fill out some paperwork. I had to grab someone out of the baby room because the director was out at lunch, and there were all these babies there. Babies just laying there. Without parents. Because their parents just LEFT THEM THERE. Like I will do.

So, ok, the babies looked fine and happy. They were playing on mats and in exersaucers. And the ladies were watching and playing with and feeding them. But still, ugh. My diabolical scheme to stay for awhile and spy didn't pan out, because I had to fill out the registration form as fast as I could and then go to my car and cry. I am NOT looking forward to the first morning of work.


Annie said...

Hey Krista,

You are the perfect are doing everything right and it sounds completely normal....although the disclaimer is that these comments are coming from someone who has been a mother for 23 years, is suffering from teen-age daughter syndrome and has lost all sense of reality! But, keep up the good work, only 18 years left until college, and believe me, you will be ready for them to leave:) The poop and pee thing will end in two-three years!

Love ya, Ann

Sarah G. said...

Well welcome to the dark side. I'm glad you are doing so well and your beautiful baby girl is growing and healthy and all that fun stuff that comes with the little ones. It's amazing how fast that time actually goes. My son is now 2 and talking and getting mad. But every minute we get together when I'm not working is so great. The whole daycare taking care of our children. . .yeah not so fun. And, NO ONE will take care of your child better than you would. But don't be afraid to state your concerns if you have them. We were kind of a thorn in our daycare's side when we first started, but thats what you do when you love your kids. Good to hear from you, congrats if I didn't get a message sent earlier. Talk to you later. Sarah

Andrea said...

Funny story Re: daycare. I have an uber-Christian home-schooled classmate who told me the other day that she can't wait to have kids and wants to stay home with them because she doesn't trust daycares and doesn't want someone else raising her children. WHERE THE F*** DOES SHE THINK MY KID IS ALL DAY!???

I just gave her a puzzled look and told her that Mikey is in a daycare whose providers I really love and trust and who have taught ME a lot about parenting.

You're doing everything right lady and your feelings are totally normal. Ainsley is lucky to have a smart, motivated and caring mommy!

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