Monday, May 11, 2009

mother's day

What a busy weekend. My sister Kari came from Boise on Saturday, and we picked her up at the airport. She hadn't seen Ainsley yet and she is the (self-proclaimed) baby whisperer, so she was super excited. We couldn't leave without taking the baby out of her carseat so Kari could hold her in the loading/unloading zone for a little bit. Afterward we stopped to see Great Grandma T at her apartment and she was funny as usual, secretly smoking in her apartment (there were suspect ashes in the toilet and a bit of a haze). Ah, to be 83 years old and still sneaking cigarettes. If I live until 83 I might sneak cigarettes, too. I'll definitely drink cocktails by myself in the daytime - probably martinis. I say if you live into your 80s, you've earned the right.

The only damper on the day was that it was the first full day of not breastfeeding, so I felt like I had the hindenburg strapped to my chest. Man, that was super uncomfortable, even worse then when my milk came in. I was pretty distracted from my guilt all day, but once we got back to town and things started to calm down toward bedtime, I mentally downward spiraled pretty quickly. I ended up breaking down and nursing once before bed, because the baby was fussy and rooting like crazy and wouldn't go to sleep. I've decided to try and continue to do it just once in the morning and once before bed, if more for my emotional benefit than anything else. I'm not sure if the boobs will allow it though, I pretty much wreaked havoc on the supply by stopping for two days. Ah well, if there's nothing there, there's nothing there, and then the decision will be made for me and we'll be done.

Sunday was my first Mother's Day. I woke up at probably 6:00 and could hear Mike sneaking around in the living room, so I thought something must be up - he's not naturally the earliest riser. A few minutes later he came in with a card and a pretty diamond necklace - he's such a thoughtful guy. It's funny - every time I get nice jewelry from him, it's always on the heels of me acting like an total asshole. Saturday night before I was all distraught about the breastfeeding and sort of chewing him out, then I was cursing him during the middle of the night bottle because he didn't have to work the next day and didn't offer to help out. Then I wake up to jewelry - oops. :) The night before we got engaged, I drank way too many mai tais (we were in Hawaii) and was in the hotel lobby, bawling about how he would never propose, blah, blah, blah. I am such a loser sometimes.

So the rest of Sunday was good. We went to my parents' house and Mike cooked king crab legs and all the sibs were there. I had grand plans to write this sappy mother's day post last night, but we didn't get home until nine and I was done for. Luckily, as a mother's day present to her mommy, Ainsley slept for six hours straight last night!


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