Friday, May 8, 2009

5 good things

Glancing through all my posts, I seem to write about the negative/worrisome stuff a lot. I need work on that. Because there is positive stuff about motherhood so far, LOTS of positive stuff. To prove it, here are some things I'm enjoying or feel like I'm doing well at ...

1. The baby is healthy. All that worrying about her not eating enough in those early weeks were apparently unfounded. She is huge and strong and holding her head up already.

2. Every day we have "coffee talk" where I pretty much just talk nonsense ("what did we do today? go to the park? did we see trees and flowers? blah, blah, blah"). And she gets all excited and kicks her legs and "talks" back at me. It's adorable, and she's obviously gifted (nobody tell me these things are normal at 6 weeks, I won't believe you anyway).

3. We're actually venturing out, despite mama's irrational fears of germs and baby snatchers. We've gone to the gym or for walks every day this week. We've been to WALMART - ew, germ circus! We're picking my sister up at the airport on Saturday in Rapid City. We're even planning a 10-hour drive to Colorado to see my in-laws on Memorial Day weekend! (Ok, that last one might just be crazy).

4. We're getting slightly more sleep at night. The baby usually goes a five-hour stretch at night before needing to eat again. And she crashes pretty hard at 9:00-ish, like she knows it's bedtime.

5. If the dog eats the last pacifier, we'll be ok. We've tried other pacifiers, but the baby will only take the orange ones we got at the hospital (probably because they cost us, like, $80 apiece). Two of the three we originally had have fallen victim to Cooper, and I once shuddered at the thought of losing the last one. But the baby has been falling asleep most of the time without a pacifier at all. Awesome.

6. And last, but certainly not least, smiles ...


Andrea said...

Um, #4 counts for like 10. Seriously, that's huge. What a doll.

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