Tuesday, May 26, 2009

first vacation

The nugget is stirring in her swing, so i probably don't have a lot of time to post. It's just been ages, and i wanted to update on our first little vacation! We went to Colorado Springs to see Mike's sister for Memorial Day weekend - almost 10 hours each way (more with Denver traffic). The baby was fantastic actually. She slept and slept unless she was hungry, which we tried to stay ahead of. I did have to give her a bottle in Denver traffic because we couldn't pull over. Yuck, I wanted to barf just watching her. Sitting backwards in a carseat eating and swerving in and out of traffic - it was making me nauseous. She took it like a champ, though! It was a pretty fun weekend - low key. We just hung at the in-laws and played with the babies (Ainsley's cousin Ava is one). We had a few beers after the babies went to bed Saturday night - it reminded Mike and I of when you were little and your aunts and uncles and parents hung out and drank beer on vacation. We're so old. We also ventured to Old Colorado City - it's a little town right by Springs with a cute main street with shops and restaurants. There was a Territory Days festival going on, so it would have been fun to go walk around, but there was a HUGE rainstorm just as we were pulling in. We also missed the exit, then Ava was starving, then there was no parking. Mike got out in the rain, dug both strollers out and his sister and I were like, uh, we know it's a little late but how about we scrap these plans? We didn't have umbrellas or extra blankets or sweatshirts or anything. Ha, ha - it was also like when you're little and you try to have family outings and it ends up going wrong and everyone starts fighting, but then when you talk about it later the memories are fun. That made me laugh. Having kids is so weird. I sure have a lot more respect for what my parents went through. After the downpour debacle, we ended up just going downtown in springs to this wood oven pizza restaurant. It was warm and dry with parking right out front, and Ava got to play with pizza dough (eating a lot of it). It was fun - the afternoon was salvaged. Ok - baby is not tolerating this any more - more later if I have time. :)


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