Tuesday, April 14, 2009

better and bored ... er

This mommyhood stuff seems to be getting easier. I think we've passed the steepest part of the initial feeding-burping-sleeping-changing learning curve. There's still plenty of incline, but I definitely feel less anxious and have more confidence. This has really been the first week where I think back about life before baby and get an empty, sad feeling. Before this I was just so overwhelmed, I was having flashes of feeling wistful about the simplicity of pre-parenthood. But now, even in the middle of the night when we're going into the second or third straight hour of feeding and changing, I feel priviledged in a way. We are very lucky to have this healthy little girl, and I can't believe the ways that she's grown and changed already.

Outside of taking care of the baby, maternity leave is taking some getting used to. I got the go-ahead to start working out next week, so that will give me (us) and excuse to get out of the house each day go on walks. I might try the gym with the baby - if I go in the morning right after she eats I think I'll be good to use one of the machines for awhile if she's in her carseat. She's such a good baby - if she's full she's usually sleeping or just chilling, taking things in. So that will help a lot to get us both on a little bit of a schedule. I really do appreciate being able to take this time off, it's just quite an adjustment from working full time.


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