Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today is the kind of between-seasons weather that makes me feel unsettled. It's in the fifties but it's completely cloudy, but it's not raining and it's weirdly muggy. Just be crisp like spring, or be cathartic and rain, or smother us with summer. This feels like ... purgatory.

I think I'm just tired. Like literally, obviously. I'm on an every other day schedule where I just sleep like holy hell one night, and then the next I sleep great because I'm so tired out from the night before. Pregnancy is hell on good sleep. I don't know - somebody explain how you REALLY sleep when you pee 15 times a night. That combined with musical beds and couches to try and stay sleeping on my side and get Ainsley to stay in her bed and whatever else. Ech.

I suppose I'm emotionally tired as well. Just stress - money and insurance and the business and waiting for this kid to be born and Ainsley's well being and run-of-the-mill stuff. But then bigger, broader things are harder to stop worrying about - getting older, the state of the American middle class, something BIG BAD happening, cancer. It doesn't seem to matter, I can't prioritize the things I should be worrying about in my hormonal state. It all seems equal, somehow. I honestly hope it's hormones. I am prone to this kind of senseless anxiety, but have developed a lot of tactics in the last few years to try and deal with everything. And they worked well, actually. Even now, I don't feel crappy every day or anything. But about every third day it's just this wash of overwhelmed mom brain. I just hope it doesn't mean that I'm going to go all post-partem after the baby is born. That's no fun for anyone. I was nuts with Ainsley, but only for like a month. I think I was just regulating. The funny part is, the baby is the bright spot, despite being the biggest single change. I am overwhelmed with how our family will change, and I want him to be healthy obviously, but at least with a new life there's hope. And I will be so consumed that all this other stuff just won't seem as insurmountable.

And it just gave up and started raining. Like for real. So there's that.


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