Sunday, May 20, 2012

trial and error

We had a baby shower at the wine bar today, and it was actually totally cute and fun. I'm having mine there next month, and it seems weird because of the drinking thing, but it'll be the third one so far this summer/spring. It's kind of nice to have a little wine or whatever for the attendees, and the atmosphere is laid back, so I think it's a perfect place.

I actually volunteered to make cupcakes and was totally out of my depth, so it was a little touch-and-go last night for a few hours. I always eff up cupcakes because our house is up high enough that I should follow the high altitude directions, but somehow when I bake I totally blank every time and have cupcake explosions. And then I was going to paint little baby feet on circles of sugar paper, but they looked more like creepy bigfoot feet, so I had to reassess at like 9:30 p.m. Anyway, all said and done I just went with something generic and made some marshmallow fondant quick (surprisingly easy and way cheaper and better-tasting than store bought). Luckily I had little
flower cookie cutters from Ainsley's birthday cake lying around. It was a good learning experience, but I would be a long way from a side business (although I think there's a hole in the market in this town, after researching for our other baby shower group). I would have to practice, practice, practice. And make sure that that it's possible to make any money - even store-bought ingredients added up to a lot for this project. But it is very zen, so you never know. It would be a good thing to do in the off-season, because you wouldn't have to have a store front and all that. Although that would be fun, too.

So anyway, that was most of my weekend. Mike painted a couple walls in the living room our new grayish green color, and it's very calming. I can't wait to tackle the apricot orange kitchen. I've been staring at that color for three years hating on it (our living/kitchen/dining area is one big room) so I'm happy we're finally biting the bullet. Who said this crazy-ass pregnancy nesting isn't good for something.


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