Sunday, June 21, 2009

pressure drop

I feel a little overwhelmed thinking of the next week. We moved our closing date up to Friday, which means we have now until then to pack. Not a huge deal, except we're going to Sioux Falls Tuesday to Thursday for my company picnic. Luckily (kind of) my parents can't help us move until Sunday, so Saturday we can paint and Mike can run back and forth bringing small stuff, which is the most annoying part anyway. I can at least get the kitchen and bathroom stuff unpacked and put away. Anyway, rambling, rambling.

The good thing I'm realizing about all this craziness is that I'm actually a lot less worried about it then I would have been before baby, because I really haven't had time. Before, it would have been weeks of obsessing about it and planning and making lists. Now we have no choice but just it done. It's actually a relief to have a reason to get out of my head a little.

Ok, back to work. Arghghgh.


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