Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I don't even know where to start. Ainsley started daycare Monday (half days this week), which was as yucky as expected - although only for brief periods before and after drop-off/pick-up. But we're also in the process of buying a new house, which came up rather unexpectedly, so it's been a totally whacked week and I haven't been dwelling on the baby stuff as much as I thought I would. Which is good and bad, because that stress has been sort of displaced into the house stuff, but it's still there. So I'll just talk about the new house (pending financing stuff, we sort of went backwards). It's a ways out of town, in a development I never particularly loved, but we got a lot more/nicer house out there. It's just a few years old, and totally a boring, suburban mini-mcmansion, which is EXACTLY what I want after having an older home (sprinkler system! air conditioning!!). There are some really nice upgrades, like stainless steel and wood/tile throughout, wet bar in the family room, a nice deck, covered porch and patio. What really sold us is that the kitchen, dining and living room are all one big space, which will be great for the limited time we'll all have to hang at night. Plus there are THREE bathrooms, which is ridiculous, really, but after sharing a bathroom with the square footage of a wheelbarrow for the last four years, I'm rejoicing. And last, and BEST, there's a laundry area with a built-in frontloading washer and dryer. Hallelujah. My sister just got frontloaders, and she said you can stuff like twice a normal load in them. Which I do to our washer and dryer now, which is probably why we just paid 150 bucks to get the dryer fixed. Ah well. Here are a few pics ... again, grain of salt - we still need confirmation on the financing, part of which involves my parents buying our current house to keep as a rental, which is a whole other complicated thing especially because they're on a cruise this week. But we do have an accepted offer, so things are looking good. More later. Peace out.


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