Monday, May 23, 2011

Wooden Shoes

Mike spent all weekend at a tulip festival in Iowa for work, because that's what it's like working in the tourism industry, and he brought back a pair of wooden shoes for Ainsley. Like, legitimate carved wooden shoes. They are both amazing and wildly impractical, but most of all they are very VERY loud, and our floors are surely dented from the incessant stomping. They are also radical, and my 80s child self would have killed a man for a pair back in the day.

Ainsley and I spent the weekend running around with my parents, working on Project X, a little business idea that is 99% a sure thing, but I'll hold off on the details until I get word that all is official. In any case it will be pretty cool to cover the project to fruition on this blog. Of all the entrepreneurial adventures of my family, this is probably the coolest and most collaborative. So in that way it will probably be the most rewarding ... or a fight to the death. Could go either way. In any case, it involves booze, which is traditionally the one thing we can all agree on, so I have a good feeling.


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