Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The wall has officially been hit. I think the 10-year reunion and 4th of July festivities this weekend pushed me (us) over the edge to exhaustion. Then Mike got some kind of pukey flu Sunday night and all day Monday, and I've been popping airborne like candy for a sore throat, so I think we're all just done. Except the bambino, of course, she is getting more and more energy and staying awake for longer and longer. Which is actually a ball, despite the tiredness in our bones. She's SOOO alert and has been rocking these crazy flypaper hands on tentacle arms that grab EVERYTHING in site and deposit it in her mouth. It's hilarious, except I took a bubble bath with her last night (first time in the jet tub = awesome), and she was scooping all the bubbles into her mouth. She is an amazing little peanut these days, actually. In some ways, it's getting harder to leave her at daycare every day because she's so much fun.

The new house continues to be fabulous. We had our first thunderstorm last night, which is quite an experience up on this hill with these big windows. I was kind of freaked out, because I am a chicken, but I had Mike and Ainsley to keep me safe. Mike is an east river boy, so weather doesn't scare him ... and Ains slept right through it, even without a curtain on her window yet (getting there).

I'd love to post it in one of my loverly drawings, but our walmart computer desk disentegrated in the move and the thought of going all the way downstair to sit and photoshop on the floor isn't very appealing. I think I'd rather go to bed.


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