Sunday, July 12, 2009


My work computer is SICK. It just started spazzing out yesterday, so I think I have a trojan horse or some other bad virus, but my virus scan didn't find anything, nor did the two other malware scanning programs I downloaded from microsoft. Luckily I backed up a bunch of files on a flash drive before everything went south, so I have most of what I need in case my hard drive needs to be wiped or something drastic like that. This happened at my old job, and that is indeed what had to happen to fix it. I guess that is the internets for you - everytime I think I have her broken, she bites.

Anyway, the irony of all this is that despite it being the weekend, I'm presenting on a webinar next week to the small business admin and REALLY need to work on the powerpoint, because they don't generally let me out in front of people and I would like to do a good job. We finally got a new computer desk yesterday, so Mike is dilligently working to get that put together so I can work on our home computer this afternoon without sitting on the floor. It'll be fine, I'm sure, it's just been a relentless string of crazy little things around here for the last couple of weeks that sort of feel like a big crazy thing when you add them all up. Also, I'm a little annoyed because it would be great to actually have the weekend to hang out and enjoy our new house instead of running endless virus scans and putting together furniture and generally taking care of stuff. A girl can dream. On top of it, Ainsley has been waking up in the night for the last couple of days which is a little weird. I think she's just getting hungry and it's probably time to start her on cereal. She's just a week shy of four months and the doctor said starting solids at four to six months is fine, so maybe that'll be the project for this week.


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