Thursday, July 9, 2009

grumpsickle mcgee

Finally, FINALLY the baby is asleep. I guess it was ill-advised to keep her up until 11:00 last night skyping with Mike's mom and my sister, no matter how awake she seemed to be. We got her from daycare after work and her sheet said she slept for ONE HOUR AND 15 MINUTES today. That's it, after she went to bed at 11:00 and got up at 5:30 this morning. That's the ironic thing about tired babies - when they're extra-super tired, they do everything in their power to NOT sleep. Anyway, one hour and 15 minutes of naps does not a happy baby make. So all night she's been over-tired and bawling and cranky, which was so weird because now that she's out of the new baby phase she's been all smiles and giggles and fun every night. I couldn't even remember what to do. It's like when you're used to them sleeping through the night and they happen to wake up at 1:30, like Ainsley did the other night, you feel like you're going to DIE despite the fact that you were getting up a zillion times a night for months.

Anyway, I finally put Ainsley in our bed and laid with her for a few minutes and she went right out. I hope she doesn't make the connection that incessant crying equals mom and dad's bed. I'm weak-willed, I will cave in a second. When she was still in the bassinett, we never let her sleep with us overnight because I think it would have been hard to sleep well, but in the morning after she ate at 5 or 6 or whenever I'd always lay her down between us and snooze with her for the last hour or two before getting up. It was, and still is, one of my favorite things, just lying there smelling baby head and watching her sleep. I have a feeling that never gets old, even when she's 3 or 6 or 12 ... or in college. I'm not afraid.


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