Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I hope

My heart is broken, along with countless others in our country, over the school shooting in Connecticut. Along with so many other parents, I have been dutifully taking my little ones to their daycare center this week, when I really want to stay home, lock all the doors and hug them all day. But we must go on.

I hope the families of those twenty beautiful babies find some semblance of peace. I hope the families of the administrators and teachers find solace in the selflessness and bravery shown by their loved ones. I hope the brother and father of the shooter are shown grace. I hope our country can use this unspeakable tragedy as an opportunity for coming together and healing, instead of fracturing further. I hope our leaders strive to make common sense improvements to our gun laws and mental health resources. 

But mostly, I hope this never, ever happens again.   


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