Thursday, March 19, 2009

39 weeks, 2 days

Interesting night last night. At the end of the day I had my 39 week doctor's appointment, which Mike came to, thank god, I probably would have freaked if I had been by myself. My blood pressure was a little high (for the second week in a row), which I know is just because I worked all day and was running around. Also because I'm 39 WEEKS PREGGERS and a little nervous and apprehensive. Also, because I know more than doctors. Just ask my husband.

Anyway, to be safe the doctor sent us up to labor and delivery for monitoring with the ominous farewell "you may or may not be going home tonight". Yikes. Which actually would have sucked because I don't think this kid is ready to come out yet - i wasn't dilated at all, so if an induction didn't work it would have meant a c-section. Anyway, they hooked me up and ran some tests. I actually was having some contractions, but apparently not very productive ones. The baby sounded great which is always comforting.

So we stayed there for a few hours being monitored, my blood pressure went down and they sent us home after all the tests came back normal. When we got home, I didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. This last couple of weeks have been such a weird waiting game, it's kind of exhausting. I feel better after sleeping like a rock last night, always a treat this late in pregnancy. So that's the update. I'm working from home today and then I'll probably call it quits. I'm pretty much at a stopping point with all of my projects, and the doctor said they would induce me next week if nothing happened by my appointment Tuesday. I hate to take away from time off with the baby, but if it's going to wack my blood pressure out it's probably for the best to be done. I will have to think of some ways to occupy my busy brain, however, or I'll drive myself crazy.


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