Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello tens of readers, most of whom I am related to. Welcome to my blog's current (re)iteration. Now that I am a tax lady, I find myself with a little time on my hands during the 7 1/2 month off-season (yes, you heard that right. This should be a crime!). I mean, Ainsley is two now, which means she is practically raising herself. Besides, isn't that what tv is for? Ha ha, just kidding! Mostly.

So, I'm going to try my hand at this blogging thing again, which I really do enjoy, but with a baby and full time job and husband and whatnot it just fell by the wayside for the last, oh, year and a half. So here's to new beginnings.

Oh, and you can read old posts here - www.kristagussiaas.blogspot.com - until I get everything moved over.

UPDATE: Everything is moved!


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