Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Vegas Eve

So we leave tomorrow morning for the bright lights of the big city of Las Vegas and I am tres excited. I am also sad, which I wasn't expecting. The flipside of spending almost all day, every day with your kid is that you miss them a whole lot more when you leave them. Also I told the lady at the bank that she is in her terrible twos so "I'm not sure I'll even miss her at all!" What a horrible, terrible thing to say. I didn't mean it. But I think we'll have a good time. We're going with a couple that we get along really well with, and I got an ultra dark spray tan with triple color enhancers today, so that's something. Tanning salons, how weird nowadays. It's like a bar that allows smoking. I just kind of stared into the little tanning bed rooms in disbelief while waiting for my Mystic Tan, like, people still do this?! That's crazy! Anyway, I need to make this quick and go hang with Ains for awhile before bed. See ya on the flipside.


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