Tuesday, January 19, 2010

heave ho hum

So we shipped the baby off to my parents' house tonight. Mike and I actually have to go to the same conference tomorrow through Friday, and we have to leave by 6am, so we thought it would be best to do the baby handover tonight. It felt yucky, actually. It's one thing to stay overnight somewhere else without her, but it's just weird to be here at home by ourselves. Melancholy. I'm not sure what we do with our time now, but I really don't know what we did with it before. Could happy hour and spending all out money on frivolous things like eyebrow waxes really have taken up that much of our time before?? I guess so. Because now we're just zombies without the baby here, losering at our laptops, biding our time before bed, because we're not used to getting any sleep anyway, so what's the use in trying before 11?

I suppose this is good for us. Ains will have a ball at gma and gpa's - as long as my mom doesn't feed her old hot dogs from their convenience store like she does to the dog.

OH! One spectacular thing!! Guess who the keynote speaker is at this conference we're going to?? Matt. Roloff. Matt Effin Roloff from Little People Big World!! "Think Big, Dream Big" is the topic. It will be wonderful. I only watched that show FIVE MILLION TIMES while I was on maternity leave. So all is not lost.

So lullabye little one. Maybe your hump days be happy and the downhill slide to the weekend be swift. Peace out.


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