Monday, May 14, 2012

For all the muthas

 Yesterday was Mother's Day, and a divinely relaxing one. It was also the first one that Ainsley kind of understood. All week whenever someone mentioned it she'd spill the beans and say "mom, I made you a mother's day card!" (at school). Then when she and Mike brought me some daisies and a card first thing in the morning, she said "Mama - Happy, um ... Dad, what is it again?" It was pretty cute. As with most Mother's Days celebrations, the orchestration fell mostly to daddy in our house, who made a scrumptious brunch for our family and my parents, and even vacuumed before they came over. Then we just sat on the porch and talked and drank coffee and enjoyed the sunshine.

I kind of feel like Mother's Day is one of those great holidays where the prep isn't so overwhelming - it's just a nice excuse to get together with family and relax. Maybe I just feel that way because I'm a mother. :) I did like seeing all my mama-friends' posts on Facebook, too. Say what you will about my generation (and it remains to be seen if our kids will all grow up into whiny, attached, spoiled crybabies) but I just get this sense that all the moms I know are overwhelmingly grateful for what they have, despite how tough it can be. Not that mothers haven't always loved their children, but it's just heartwarming to see it public, in writing.

Anyway, after brunch we took advantage of my dad and had him help carry in the new dresser Mike has been finishing for the nursery redux. It's whitewashed and pretty, and thankfully large enough to fit two kids' stuff into, which was kind of the point since they'll have to share a room for awhile. I felt bad rearranging Ainsley's personal space though, and she seemed a little wierded out. But I think it'll be cute when we're done. A little cramped, which may not jive with my kid's newly-emerging hoarder tendencies, but it'll be a good reminder to pare down all the crap we seem to accumulate. I think I can make it functional, too. It's a little tougher with the boy/girl shared room thing, but luckily it's already painted a soft green, so we've been having good luck finding that color in boy stuff, too. Up this week, I need to figure out what to put on the walls to sort of differentiate the two halves of the room. I'll have to post some pictures when I'm done - I've been all pregnancy-crazy-brain over this project for months, so it will be a relief to have it finished and then get to relax(ish) for the last six weeks or so.

That's a picture of a modified bellini at the left (I think traditionally it's peach puree or juice and prosecco - these were just whole canned peaches and juice). We're putting them on the menu at the wine bar soon, as part of a more summery revamp, so of course we had to try them out. Mine was pretty much just peaches and orange juice on account of the bun, but I had a few sips of a real one and it was delish. I'm not gonna lie, I am looking forward to a good glass of something in two months.

Anyway, this was kind of a rambling post, but I slept like hell (on account of the two hour nap I got to take as the other part of my mother's day present ... so I'm not complaining) and I'm kind of trying to get warmed up here. Peace out!


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