Wednesday, June 17, 2009

nebulize this, diet detective!

I bought a huge jar of peanuts, a 32-ounce Fat Tire and an US Weekly at Safeway tonight. Only walking out did it occur to me that the checkout girl must have thought I was heading home for one hell of a Wednesday night. (Really the peanuts were for Asian chicken salad, the beer is the only size they sell and the magazine, well, ok, that one was mine).

So, we have another first under our belts. First cold. First-time mamma that I am, the baby has been to the doctor twice this week - once for the initial diagnosis of "cough" and again today for "ear wax build-up" (I swear, she was playing with her ear - I thought she had an ear infection!!) It truly is a pretty hearty cough, and the doctor sent us out to buy a nebulizer, which seems to help. That and some full contact action with the booger sucker. We've kind of cobbled together the week with Grandma and working from home to avoid having to put the thrice-daily nebulizing duties on the daycare peeps, so that's been kind of nice. She actually slept A LOT today while I was home, so I was able to finish up a few projects. Unfortunately, I also had this show called I Want to Save Your Life on as background noise, which made me feel awesome. It's kind of like Nanny 911, except the diet detective goes and find a person who wants to lose weight, goes through their cupboards and fridge and throws out all the crappy food they have, takes them grocery shopping for healthy stuff, makes them work out a bunch, etc. He suggests 90 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, 6 or more days a week. (Really Diet Detective Charles? 90 minutes??) I actually made it to the gym this morning, at 5:15 no less, and put in a fabulous 25 minutes. I don't know how I would do an hour six days a week, let alone 90 minutes. Ughgh.


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