Monday, May 18, 2009

baby dracula

The baby's hair has been growing like crazy, just in the past week or so. It's hilarious, she is going to have the deepest widow's peak. Today I said she looked a little like Dracula, and my husband revealed that the kids called him Eddie Munster in high school when he had short hair. Funny. It's dark, too, and we were both blond, blond little kids. Hmm, dark hair, dark(ish) complexion, I'm not entirely sure whose kid this really is. Having a kid is so bizarre. Sometimes looking at her is like staring in a mirror, sometimes it's like staring at my husband, sometimes it's a crazy, bizarro mix of the two. It's like that show that was on public TV in the 80s, where the princess was held in a castle by a witch, and the witch would come up every day and put random things in this machine and a book would pop out (apparently called Once Upon A Time, google tells me - does anyone else remember that show?! It was awesome!! Apparently it was a Nebraska Public Radio show filmed in Omaha ... but I digress). Like they would put in a toy train and a teddy bear and out would pop a book about a teddy bear that drives trains. That's what having a kid is like. Like Mike and I got dumped into Marion the Librarian's genetics machine and out pops a little Ainsley. Sometimes I walk into the room and the baby and Mike are both looking at the TV, same exact looks on their faces. So weird. But also very cool. Until she starts talking - I can't wait to see whose mouth she got. Yikes.


Andrea said...

that show sort of scared me, but I do indeed remember it. didn't they have like blue hair or something?

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